John Bull
CEO, Cambridge Science Centre
After an ancient history degree and an ill-advised (and short) dabble in the corporate world of insurance I began my career in museums and science centres. I’ll be forever thankful that my first position was as an Explainer at the Science Museum. From that time onwards I’ve looked to build my understanding of the almost magical power that science centres have to transform the way that people see themselves and the world around them. As part of my journey, I’ve been fortunate enough to spend over a decade abroad contributing to and leading projects to create innovative experiences. In the UAE, I was the founding Director of Terra. A new kind of theatrical STEM centre housed within a net zero water and energy building. Before I returned to the UK, we engaged over 2 million people in conversations on ways to improve human and planetary health. I’m now CEO of Cambridge Science Centre leading the strategic direction for this small charity and helping to navigate a pathway towards a successful future.
I know, as do all of you, that the work of science centres is crucial and impactful. We need to continue pushing forward on our work to find a powerful common language to be able to speak with one voice. I’m determined to lobby for greater and more consistent funding streams for our work based on shared evidence of the change we are enabling.
One of the strengths of the science centre community is our diversity with both national and local impact. Working at a smaller science centre, I am looking forward to representing the needs of similar institutions and supporting a collaborative approach to overcoming shared challenges of sourcing funding and ensuring audience impact.
Looking to the future, I am keen to promote and support the innovative work of the sector to reach beyond the confines of our buildings. Progressive work delivered digitally and through in-person outreach continues to provide evidence as to our ability to support communities on the issues that matter to them. I hate hearing communities described as ‘hard to reach’ our work is pioneering ways to reach those that have been underserved and I want to play a part in highlighting its importance.