Sarah Wickson, Thinktank

Workshop: Engaging teens and visitors in STEM learning through youth programmes
This session will involve presentations from Thinktank and Centre of the Cell, highlighting and describing youth educator programs at their sites and three sites based in the US.
Each site has well-established youth educator programs which involve providing teens with opportunities to learn STEM skills, develop soft skills and gain experience interacting and educating the public.
The University of Exeter will also be sharing some of their collaborative research on how these programs benefit the young people and visitors.
Sarah Wickson is the STEM Teen Project Officer at Thinktank. She Graduated from Loughborough University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After working as a project engineer Sarah joined Thinktank to encourage young people into STEM careers. At Thinktank she works on developing programming for teenagers including the Summer Career Ladder Traineeship.