Simon Jones, Managing Director, Navigate Agency

Discussion Table: Understanding your audience
The world of marketing has consistently evolved, but has done more so in the last two years than it may over the next decade, thanks in part to the pandemic. Whilst marketers have had to change their approach out of necessity, they’ve also had to change to suit new consumer habits.
When consumers adopted new lifestyles to cater to the isolated world around them, many of these new behaviours stuck. Marketing to consumers was never going to be the same, but have we done enough to keep up?
In this session we’ll explore how your consumers have changed. Do your audiences still hold the same opinions and tendencies? Are you still able to communicate with them through the same channels? Or, have you acquired a new audience you were unaware you had attracted?
I have been involved in marketing for over 20 years and have experience working both client and agency side. I've had the pleasure of working with some of the most exciting brands you will encounter across multiple sectors, from visitor attractions to leisure and travel and tourism.
Digital Visitor was created nearly 20 years ago and during this time we have been at the forefront of developing digital marketing services to drive real tangible benefits for our partners and winning awards for our work.
We re-branded to Navigate in early 2022. We’d been thinking about the brand change for a couple of years… our services had developed over time, and the pandemic gave us time to reflect and understand the work we enjoyed the most, that we were strongest at, and also that clients needed the most. It gave us time to digest the areas we really enjoy doing and where we think our key strengths are, helping brands develop strategy and showing them the way.